HOUSE DRH50356-LD-137 (04/13)
Short Title: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Funds. |
(Public) |
Sponsors: |
Representatives Tolson, Gibson, and Glazier (Primary Sponsors). |
Referred to: |
AN ACT to appropriate funds to global warming initiatives (GWI), A nonprofit corporation, to assist companies and state facilities in increasing energy efficiency and environmental performance and in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and to report greenhouse gas emissions to the federal voluntary greenhouse gas reporting program and to gwi's north carolina global warming registry.
Whereas, in 1995 the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a five-year pilot program, Climate Wise, to establish best practices for industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to increase energy and process efficiency, and to voluntarily report their greenhouse gases emissions for publication; and
Whereas, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources contracted to participate in the Climate Wise program, and the State Energy Office of the Department of Administration matched the federal grant and managed this pilot program; and
Whereas, DOE and EPA intended that the Climate Wise program be continued as a nongovernment program and funded with State and other funding after the expiration of the federal pilot program; and
Whereas, the State did not continue the funding for this program, and Climate Wise was cancelled June 30, 2002, to help balance the State budget; and
Whereas, Global Warming Initiatives (GWI) was incorporated on January 6, 2003, as a nonprofit corporation for the purpose of continuing the efforts begun by the federal pilot program, Climate Wise, in the same manner as California and other state programs; and
Whereas, the Division of Air Quality of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources administers the mercury and carbon dioxide requirements of the Clean Smokestack Act and is planning to enhance the work associated with these programs; and
Whereas, by reporting or registering industries' greenhouse gas emissions, GWI would complement the air quality programs of the Division of Air Quality of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources; and
Whereas, GWI currently works with industries of any size and plans to expand in order to assist, in matters related to greenhouse gas emissions, all facilities, including agriculture, forestry, and transportation facilities, even residential housing, as funding permits; and
Whereas, GWI will assist in matters related to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming until a formal State or federal program is enacted, and then GWI will continue with administering the new program or supporting the formal program; and
Whereas, North Carolina has led the nation for four consecutive years in reporting industrial facilities to the federal Voluntary Greenhouse Gases Reporting Program through the efforts of GWI and received recognition for this effort from DOE; and
Whereas, participation by corporations and the State is needed to evaluate the greenhouse gas activities at the State and at the federal levels; Now, therefore,
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. There is appropriated from the General Fund to Global Warming Initiatives (GWI), a nonprofit corporation, the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for the 2005-2006 fiscal year and the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. These funds shall be used by Global Warming Initiatives to do all of the following:
(1) Meet with top management of industry to inform them of the programs that are available within North Carolina, which will increase their assets and productivity through energy efficiency, environmental performance, and process improvement, and to give industry an overview of how global warming issues and these programs can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
(2) Develop an enhanced voluntary greenhouse gas reporting program for reporting year-end data for 2005 and promote the program across the State. (The 2004 year-end data will be reported using the reporting program used since 1995.)
(3) Collect data from industry, calculate the absolute emissions of greenhouse gas emissions and the emissions' intensity levels, and report the results in both the federal Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program and in GWI's publication, the North Carolina Global Warming Registry.
(4) In cooperation with the State Energy Office of the Department of Administration, report the greenhouse gas emissions' of State-owned facilities and thereby set an example for businesses to participate in the voluntary reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. (North Carolina could be one of the first states reporting greenhouse gas emissions from its facilities.)
(5) Continue to publish the North Carolina Global Warming Registry and include a listing of programs that aid in the reduction of greenhouse gases.
(6) Host annual seminars across the State on global warming issues and the benefits of participating in this program and explain what is required of a reporting entity.
(7) Heighten awareness of the cap and trade programs whereby industries that emit less than a maximum allowed level of greenhouse gases receive credits that may be sold to industries that emit more than their allowed level.
(8) No later than June 30 of 2006 and 2007, present an annual report on GWI's accomplishments to the Division of Air Quality of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, State Energy Office of the Department of Administration, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Department of Transportation, the Energy Policy Council, the Environmental Review Commission, and the Fiscal Research Division, which report shall include an itemized account of how the funds appropriated under this act were used, how GWI accomplished the requirements under this act, the success of each activity, and any findings or recommendations regarding activities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
SECTION 2. This act becomes effective July 1, 2005.