HOUSE DRH80180-LL-144 (3/19)
Short Title: Recognize Chowanoke Nation. |
(Public) |
Sponsors: |
Representative Steinburg. |
Referred to: |
AN ACT to officially recognize the chowanoke nation as an indian tribe.
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
SECTION 1. Chapter 71A of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new section to read:
"§ 71A-7.3. Chowanoke Nation of North Carolina; rights, privileges, immunities, obligations, and duties.
The Indian Tribe now residing in small communities in Chowan, Gates, Hertford, and Perquimans Counties, who were granted reservational lands in both Hertford and Gates Counties, whose ancestors attended the first Indian School in North Carolina, and whose ancestors were listed as tribal chief men in North Carolina State records shall, from and after July 1, 2013, be designated and officially recognized as the Chowanoke Nation of North Carolina, and shall continue to enjoy all their rights, privileges, and immunities as an American Indian Tribe with a recognized tribal governing body carrying out and exercising substantial governmental duties and powers similar to the State, being recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians."
SECTION 2. G.S. 115C-210.1 reads as rewritten:
"§ 115C-210.1. Membership - How appointed.
The Council shall consist of 15 members, as follows:
(5) Indian members of the Council shall be broadly representative of North Carolina Indian tribes and organizations, specifically, the Eastern Band of Cherokee, Lumbee, Coharie, Waccamaw-Siouan, Haliwa Saponi, Meherrin, Chowanoke, Person County Indians, Cumberland County Association for Indian People, the Guilford Native American Association, the Metrolina Native American Association, and any other Indian tribe gaining State recognition in the future."
SECTION 3. G.S. 143B-407(a) reads as rewritten:
"(a) The State
Commission of Indian Affairs shall consist of two persons appointed by the
General Assembly, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Assistant
Secretary of Commerce in charge of the Division of Employment Security, the
Secretary of Administration, the Secretary of Environment and Natural
Resources, the Commissioner of Labor or their designees and 21 23
representatives of the Indian community. These Indian members shall be selected
by tribal or community consent from the Indian groups that are recognized by
the State of North Carolina and are principally geographically located as
follows: the Coharie of Sampson and Harnett Counties; the Eastern Band of
Cherokees; the Haliwa Saponi of Halifax, Warren, and adjoining counties; the
Lumbees of Robeson, Hoke and Scotland Counties; the Meherrin of Hertford
County; the Waccamaw-Siouan from Columbus and Bladen Counties; the Sappony; the
Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation of Alamance and Orange Counties, Counties;
the Chowanoke Nation of Chowan, Gates, Hertford, and Perquimans Counties;
and the Native Americans located in Cumberland, Guilford, Johnston,
Mecklenburg, Orange, and Wake Counties. The Coharie shall have two members; the
Eastern Band of Cherokees, two; the Haliwa Saponi, two; the Lumbees, three; the
Meherrin, one; the Waccamaw-Siouan, two; the Sappony, one; the Cumberland
County Association for Indian People, two; the Guilford Native Americans, two;
the Metrolina Native Americans, two; the Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation, one,
one; the Chowanoke Nation, one; the Triangle Native American
Society, one. Of the two appointments made by the General Assembly, one shall
be made upon the recommendation of the Speaker, and one shall be made upon
recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Appointments by the
General Assembly shall be made in accordance with G.S. 120-121 and
vacancies shall be filled in accordance with G.S. 120-122."
SECTION 4. This act becomes effective July 1, 2013.